Morning Mastery Challenge

12 Morning Routines That Top Entrepreneurs Execute Daily

The awesomeness does not come by chance. Industry executives don’t just get out of bed, patch whatever they discover in the cupboards for breakfast, and then go to the workplace to deal with whatever comes into their inboxes.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.

They have a plan. They are ready. And they follow through.

In his book Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Will, psychiatrist Roy F. Baumeister indicates that our willpower is strongest in the morning. And that’s Why Productive People Always Wake Up So Early. Then there is the morning cortisol waking reflex, which sends a rush of this stress hormone across our bodies

approximately 20-30 minutes after we wake up, providing us with the motivation we need to handle crucial tasks first thing every morning. But you didn’t come here to learn about technology. You are also aware that your morning routine needs improvement. Take a cue from these 12 morning rituals of successful entrepreneurs if you’re ready to refine this vital daily time.

1. Create daily and weekly objectives

“On Monday morning, I set my weekly targets and the two-to-three big to-dos for each day at 7 a.m. As my day becomes hectic (which it often does), I will always return to my two-to-three to-do list and refocus.” — Dan Murphy, VP business development at

2. Plan your day in the shower

“I mentally map out what I have to get done for the day as I’m showering, and afterward, I do the same for what I want to get accomplished. I make an effort to keep the remainder of my day clear of plans, instead of taking each day as it comes.” — Colin Mathews, Content Marketer co-founder

3. Schedule time for brainstorming

“Every morning, I start with a cup of Yerba Mate, which is quickly accompanied by a 10-minute undisturbed imaginative brainstorming session. The aim is to develop an original concept, whether or not it is relevant to my work. Before I get bogged down answering team emails, I just need something to get me thinking and keep me focused and empowered. You’ve accomplished something if you can keep those thoughts moving while cooking breakfast or driving to work.” — Paul Shapiro, director of search at Catalyst/GroupM.

4. Meditate

4. Meditate: “Every morning, I meditate, whether by performing yoga, reading chakra affirmations, or even listening to Tibetan singing bowls. Meditation immensely helps me to keep my mind clear so that I can concentrate.” — Nichole Elizabeth DeMer,’s group development manager

5. Focus on your priorities

“Every morning, before I do anything, I open the Notes app on my smartphone, where I’ve actually written my business and life mission. I read it to myself aloud. I then take a couple of minutes to reflect silently about why this is important to me, the success I’ve achieved, and the stuff I’m thankful for. I then go through the top one or three tasks I want to do that day.” — Danny Halarewich, founder and CEO of LemonStand

6. Brew the perfect cup of coffee

“I wish I could say I meditate every morning, but I don’t.” Making a great cup of pour-over coffee is my morning therapy instead. Not only does the caffeine wake up my body, but the process of making the grind just right, heating the water to precisely 204 degrees, and brewing by hand awakens my imaginative side of the brain. It’s fun to start the day by “creating” something from scratch.” — Chuck Longanecker, founder of Digital Telepathy

7. Visualize future achievements

“I close my eyes and invest 10 minutes vividly visualizing myself fulfilling my objectives. I visualize the sense of accomplishment to the point where my mind truly feels it as actual. There is no sense of concern, desire, or scarcity in this state. I have no bounds.” — AJ Kumar, Limitless Publishing’s founder

8. Have a nutritious meal

“For the longest time, my first inclination in the morning was to turn over, grab my iPhone, and look and see what had found its way into my mailbox or social networks the night before. I found that practice pushed me into work mode straight away, which wasn’t conducive to a good start to the day. Today, I make a nutritious breakfast every morning, which normally consists of vegetables and protein (eggs, tuna, or chicken) and green juice and coffee. The winning combination helps me maintain a balanced eating mentality during the day, even if lunch doesn’t come until later in the day, I can depend on the veggies to hold me fuller for longer.” — Heather Anne Carson, president and co-founder of Onboardly

9. Make time to express gratitude

“In my journal, I compose a five-item gratitude list, which encourages me to start the day with a happy, balanced mindset. It allows me to check in with my feelings and concentrate on the things that are most significant in my life at the moment.” — Becky Wright, personal trainer and nutritional therapist.

10. Develop a habit and stick to it

“Workout, drink green juice, and meditate. Whatever happens, that’s the first hour of my day. It allows me to realign my body and mind while also providing the nutrition I need to function at my best.” — Entrepreneur Dam Martell

11. Try not to check email right away

“I prefer not to check email until I’ve been up for at least an hour. This lets me organize my ideas for the day focused on what’s really relevant, rather than what my inbox tells me is important.” — Chad Halvorson, founder, and CEO of When I Work

12. Broaden your mind and get ready for the day

“Mornings are mostly about clearing my mind so that I can conquer the challenges of the day. To get things started, I do some exercise, eat a light, healthy breakfast, and drink some coffee. I notice that the combination makes me feel energized and able to take on the day.” — Brad Crisp, Maptive’s CEO

These entrepreneurs have built their morning routines around the healthy habits they believe can help them succeed. But how would you get to this optimized condition if the mornings are already chaotic?
Trying is the simplest way to get underway. Choose one morning ritual from the list above that speaks to you the most, and give it a week and see how it goes. Also, read on How to Get Up Early and Not Feel Tired Pro Tips. Take notes as you observe whether or not your new behaviors are successful. Whether they are, aim to change much further next week. If they aren’t, just choose a new habit for the next week and begin again.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.


There is no golden recipe that can tell you how to build your morning routine or which specific routines you can follow. However, you will find a winning formula that will provide you with the same solid base as these influential entrepreneurs by trial and error. What is your typical morning routine? We like hearing about the different habits people have developed, so please do us a favor and leave us a message below with your perspectives.