Morning Mastery Challenge

Three Things to Do to Become Successful

Three Keys to Success in Life That will Change Your Life

If you want to script your mind and hack your body to remain in a healthy state of action throughout the day? We recommend that you read on. We’re going to look at 3 key factors that successful people are doing so that you can design your mind to be in a condition of progress from the moment you wake up, and making choices every day that will drive you to your goals.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.
One of the greatest risks of modern civilization is to slip into the trap of heading to the autopilot, to walk dead and see as everybody else does. Many of us are so busy reacting to the world and what’s going on around us. Although we are expected to behave and take care of our own world and our own truth. We fail to keep focused and forget about our ambitions. These are all pitfalls that keep many of us in the same place for years, without any progress or success.
OK, let’s get to the point now.

3 Keys to Success in Your Life That You Can Start Doing Now

1) Write down Your Goals

The first thing you are doing in the morning is to decide what your day is supposed to be like. Project your mind to be in a dominant state from the moment you wake up, and you are sure to have a fruitful and great day. How you would achieve this is to write down your priorities every morning. And, after you’ve achieved so, circle the most significant one, the goal that would have the most effect on your life in the long run.
Now ask this question: “What action will I take today to improve everything and bring me closer to this target? ” Note down all the acts you can think of, circle the two most significant things and start following them. Don’t rest until it’s over. This is an incredibly effective way to get to the correct state first thing every morning. Instead of walking around half-dead and taking 30 minutes to get up, you’re programming your mind to be active.
Another important factor to write down the ambitions is that reading them helps one feel good, writing them as though they have already been reached. You’re just in there. Re-reading and re-writing each morning can ensure that you are in a resourceful mindset where you operate based on your priorities. Throughout the day, you will make deliberate choices that will help your objectives and get you closer to them. Objectives that are not set down simply desire. Learn how to set great expectations here: how to set the target of SMART to create permanent improvements in life.

2) Develop a Powerful Belief System

Ask every successful individual what their number one rule is to excel. All of them have this in common: They believe in themselves and what they’re doing, and they are not reluctant to express so. When you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else?
If people question you about your life objectives, don’t be scared to tell it out loud. If you have big expectations, they could laugh at you and look funny. But if you’re uncertain about your ambitions, you’re likely to make questionable decisions that won’t take you anywhere. Go up against the grain, stick out. After all, how many people on this planet are living a dream today? Now, how many of these people are going to react to anything like “I don’t know” if you inquire what their priorities are?
Be focused, believe in yourself. People are going to admire you for getting the courage to pursue what you really want. Have you heard a story about a guy who was employed in a video shop? Every day he took two publications to work, one was an entrepreneur magazine and the other was a magazine filled with luxurious and fast-paced vehicles. His employer would question him why he took these papers to work every day, and his response was, “I am picking up the car that I’m going to buy.”
The answer from the boss was like most ordinary minds that he was wasting himself dreaming like that, he’d never get the car, and he’d only end up frustrated because it never happened. Turned out, the guy left the video store later and chased his dream. A couple of years after, he went back to the video shop to give a video back, and he did so in the car he picked up from the paper.
The same employees served in the shop as the day he used to work there. Now, can you picture the expressions on their faces as they showed up in the car they said they’d never get it? It’s priceless. And it all began with the development of a strong belief structure. The first step of life and seeing your dream come true is to believe it and envision it. If you feel in your head that you have already accomplished your objectives, you will build a sense of confidence. This certainty can lead to action measures because you realize what the result is going to be, it’s far simpler to select the behaviors that are expected to get there.
You’re confident you’re going to live in the body you desire. You’re confident you’re going to live in a perfect home with a dream family. By continuously recalling the images of you progressing in your head, you build neural pathways in the brain. Your mind cannot say the differences between what you clearly envision and reality. Go out and dream of the day. Go out and believe, believe you’re living your dreams and aspirations. With repetition, you’re confident that this is the only result because you’re working backward to find opportunities to make it possible.

3) Invest in Yourself

Once upon a time, a wise man was questioned what the best potential investment someone might make. His response was quick, sweet, and simple: “Invest Yourself.” The name of the gentleman is Warren Buffett. He is recognized as the biggest investor in the world. As per Forbes, he has a net worth of $53.5 billion. Hiring a personal mentor, having a workout card, purchasing nutritious food, books and college are not expenditures. These are investments: believing in yourself.

Some of the things you must do today to invest in yourself are:

Hit the gym

Physical exercise activates the endorphin and helps you feel amazing. It increases efficiency and energy levels. Through spending time in the gym, you’re going to be more prepared to manage your everyday activities and what life throws at you. Forty-five to fifty minutes is what you need, it’s probably the easiest time to fire at a workout.

Eat healthy food

If you head to the grocery store after work, question yourself, “Which food can help my mind and body feel good and perform better? “You are building yourself up for highness and greatness by making yourself mindful of what types of food can really motivate you. Therefore, make good choices.

Don't just read books, study them

Few read the books they’re purchasing, but fewer remember what they’re reading. Quit reading your books and start studying your books. Quit reading your books and start studying your books.

Study at least one hour per day

 “In three years, one hour per day of research would place you at the top of your life and profession. You will be a national authority within five years. In seven years, you will be one of the happiest people in the world to do what you do.” – Brian Tracy. 

Take notes

Never leave your home without a pen and a sheet of paper. The best suggestions always arrive at the least convenient moment, note them down. Don’t expect your memory to remember—it won’t. Writing it right away would also encourage your mind to save and come up with more ideas. These days, you can use several note-taking software like Evernote.

Learn something new

Learn a new thing every day, new talent or a new language. Every day, a new experience = 365 new skills a year. Now, think about where you will be a year from now if you’re beginning to do things today? Do something for yourself: Yeah, hard work is a crucial element to achievement, but at least once a month, do something enjoyable, something outrageous and unexpected that makes you feel alive. Have fun and enjoy your life with loved ones.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.


The last bit of guidance and rule to follow: keep going, and keep going. Sometimes things get tough, and the journey feels so far. You just have to keep on going and keep going.
Take a peek at your ambitions and start dreaming, all of a sudden you’ve improved your state and you’re on the right track again. The path that’s going to lead you to success. Using these 3 keys to make your destiny a fact and pursue what you want in life. Go and get it.