Morning Mastery Challenge

The Most Successful Techniques for Rising Early

Unusual Tips for How to Wake Up Early - The Best morning ritual

Waking up early is a quality that many successful people share. Including popular figures in history like Benjamin Franklin to CEOs of Fortune 500 firms, Olympic champions and musicians and performers, musicians and pioneers, including Jack Dorsey (founder of Twitter) and Richard Branson, getting up early in the morning encourages them to get a head start.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.
The main question is: how do they wake up early? What is their secret morning ritual? And most importantly, how do you accomplish it and not fill yourself with tiredness, but still be enthusiastic, cheerful, and ready for new adventures?
If you’ve ever doubted (or even wanted to be an “early riser” and a “morning person”), this preparation is for you; here are the steps:

1) Gradually Roll Back The Clock

When you create morning rituals for success, the first approach is a gradual change. If you’re someone who gets up at 7:00 a.m. and now you try to start waking up at 5:00 a.m. if you just go from 7 to 5: your brain, your system would be like, “Mm-mm, this isn’t going to happen.” Instead of rolling back by 2 hours, which is a big change for your brain and body, roll it back by 15 minutes. If you wake up at 7 a.m., start getting up at 6:45 a.m. Get used to it. Get your whole body, get the whole system, get the world around you to get up a little earlier.
Get used to those15 minutes earlier. And, if it becomes the standard, roll it out for another 15 minutes. This is one crucial element of creating a healthy morning ritual. Do it for a couple of days, and move it back another 15 or 10 or 20, then keep rolling back little by little, before you get the time you want to get up.

2) Be Consistent Even On The Weekends

We have a totally different morning routine over the weekend than during the rest of the week. We all go to sleep late, we perform very different tasks. But that’s not what the body thinks.
We have a totally different morning routine over the weekend than during the rest of the week. We all go to sleep late, we perform very different tasks. But that’s not what the body thinks. It’s the same thing (Monday and Sunday) to your body. When you wake up at 5 a.m. throughout the entire week, and when the weekend arrives, and you think, “Ooh, now it’s time to sleep late,” you’re going to overwhelm your body. You’re going to confuse the system. And when Monday arrives, it’s going to be too much tougher for you to start getting up early. The best morning ritual is something that is consistent.
For the sake of consistency, the weekends and the weekdays would become one aspect. Start getting up earlier, no matter the day of the week. It could be Sunday. You still wake up at 6:45 a.m. or 6:00 a.m. or 3 a.m. Or whatever else it is. Weekdays and weekends have to be the same – at least until you actually rationalize the whole process, make it familiar, make it part of your morning routine. Then you can explore how you can sleep in later during weekends.

3) Get Enough Sleep (Seriously)

We know it appears obvious, so we wanted to note it. If you go to bed at 2:00 because of something – maybe you went out and had a wedding, perhaps you worked all night, maybe you really couldn’t fall asleep – if you go to bed at 2 a.m., it’s almost difficult for you to get up at 6 a.m. and feel energetic, good, and like a human. Get ample sleep here. If you go to bed at 10 o’clock and wake up at 5 o’clock, and now you want to start getting up at 3 o’clock, then start going to bed at 8 o’clock.
The normal question is, “What’s enough sleep? ” Many different experiments and researches are there, and there is a multitude of knowledge, but there is no perfect number. Your amount is different from your best friend’s number. Experiment with your sleep requirements. Try anywhere from 7 to 9 hours. But do make sure that you have at least 7 hours, or that the energy goes down. The next day, you’re going to be absolutely messy; you’re not going to be creative, you’re not going to be effective. And so, the next day, forget about getting up early.

4) Don't Snooze; Jump Out of Bed

You snooze, you lose, as the saying goes. Get up as the alarm bells. Don’t press the snooze button. You’re not fully awake when you snooze, but you’re not actually asleep. It’s sort of in the middle since you’re not helping yourself. Often, once you wake up, you’re going to feel a lot more motivated than if you snooze for 15 minutes and then you get up; almost always, you’re going to feel a bit groggy, a little more disappointed, a little less enthusiastic about life.
We want you to wake up and immediately jump out of bed. Don’t take 5 minutes to get up there. You wake up, you open your eyes, and you jump out of bed. This is going to wake up your metabolism, and it will fill you up with energy. This could sound a bit funny; you might call it a little “out there,” but it helps. Wake up tomorrow morning, jump out of bed, simply jump out of bed. Don’t harm yourself, of course; don’t fall back on your partner or anyone else. Step out of bed with as much enthusiasm, as much motivation as you can, and you’ll see how it makes you wake up in a much better way. When you do this, your best morning ritual is much completed.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.


Be excited about your mornings. When you are trying to create morning rituals for success, these factors play a prime role. You can’t expect your brain and the body system to support you if you don’t get enough sleep. Therefore, as well we focus on waking up early, make sure you go to bed early, and get enough sleep on the first hand.