Morning Mastery Challenge

The Morning Routine Of Jeff Bezos

Have you ever imagined what it’s like to be the wealthiest individual of the world’s seven billion inhabitants? Jeff Bezos, on the other hand, is this guy. Whether your ambition is to exceed Jeff Bezos’ fortune or not, there are certain lessons we can all learn from him that will help us achieve daily progress in our own lives.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.
Put simply, Bezos is brilliant. He has changed how humankind thinks, understands what our society needs, and has fulfilled all of our eternal desires. He made it to the summit and hasn’t looked down yet. But how did Bezos get to this point? How does a guy who operated on Wall Street for six years become the richest man alive, and what distinguishes him from the rest of us? Here’s a peek at Jeff Bezos’ morning routine, as well as some tips for your own morning routine.

Jeff Bezos' Morning Routine

Bezos is just one of the very wealthy people who love to get up early. He goes to sleep early and also gets up early. Why Productive People Wake Up Early will help you understand it better. Bezos explained how he wants to “putter” in the morning. He enjoys his time in the morning, reads the newspaper, has a cup of coffee, and celebrates a tasty breakfast with his children before setting them off to school. His mind can wander, and he feels more imaginative after spending his morning on mindless activities.

When it comes to work, Bezos is more of a late bloomer. Rather than rushing to complete his job assignments first thing in the morning, he would plan his first meeting for no sooner than 10 a.m. We like that he doesn’t hurry into his morning routine. We are also guilty of rushing out of bed in the morning. We want to get as much finished in the morning as possible to be less exhausted at night.
Bezos, on the other hand, takes his time and loves a leisurely morning routine. If you start the day by working or relaxing in the morning, the goal is to be as productive with your time as possible to spend your spare time while you do have it.

Getting Right to Work

As previously said, Bezos would not hold any meetings until 10 a.m. But when it comes to 10 a.m., you better assume Bezos means business. Bezos would plan his most critical sessions for the day at 10 a.m., suggesting that this is when his mind is sharpest. “I want to do my high IQ meetings before lunch, like something that would be very mentally challenging. That’s a 10:00 a.m. meeting,” he says.
All of us will empathize with this. I am a morning person who does the bulk of my day’s activities between 6 a.m. and noon. When it’s lunchtime, and I eat something, I unintentionally become one of the laziest people ever. I am aware of this and have adapted to it, which is why I strive to complete my most critical activities first thing in the morning. Plus, it’s easier for me to understand because I’m not bogged down with the burden of thinking I have a lot to get done as the day progresses.

Calling It A Day

One aspect of Bezos’ ideology that we admire is that he would not make any big judgments at the end of the day. He would purposefully postpone assignments and actions until 10 a.m. the next morning so that he would do so with a clear conscience if he needed to make a choice.
When the mind becomes tired, it works on intuition rather than rationality and reasoning. And if you’ve ever made an impulse choice, you’re well aware of how damaging it can be to your growth.

Sleep and Its Importance

When you hear about people getting up early in the morning, they always mention how they have to get some sleep. Although I’ve been doing great at getting enough sleep, there are always days where I won’t fall asleep until after midnight despite having an alarm scheduled for 5:30 a.m. But not Jeff Bezos.
Bezos would only miss out on at least eight hours of sleep if he traveled to another time zone. Aside from that, Bezos claims to get eight hours of sleep a night because it helps him “think straight, have more stamina, my attitude is better, all of these things.” And 10 Surprisingly Easy Tips to Wake Up at 4 AM will help you in this case. That is not what I would have anticipated from the world’s richest guy, in my opinion.

What Do We Learn From Bezos?

The most important lesson I learned from Jeff Bezos’ morning routine is that we don’t require enough time throughout the day to do what we want to accomplish. Instead of wishing for more time, we can try to be more creative with the time we already have. If the world’s richest individual and the leader of the largest corporation can complete all work-related tasks in seven hours, I am certain that you can as well.
There are certain aspects of life that you can influence and those that you cannot. You have the power of productivity, time management, and performance. So, use your resources wisely, decide what you intend to do, and don’t let anyone push you down.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.