Morning Mastery Challenge

Psychology of Routinary Activities

Aside from ability, the most successful people in history – those whom many regard as “geniuses” in their areas or “masters of their crafts” – all had one common trait: they followed routines.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.
Routines seem monotonous, and the polar opposite of what you’re taught makes up a “good life.” Happiness, we deduce, stems from a never-ending need for “more,” regardless of what that “more” is. What we don’t understand is that maintaining a routine does not imply sitting in the very same office. And for the same number of hours every day. Every month, your regimen may include a trip to a new nation. It might be that you’re doing something out of the ordinary regularly.

The key isn’t so much what the routine entails as it is how solid and secure your subconscious mind becomes due to day-to-day actions and predictable consequences. For a change, why not read our Energy Boosting Morning Routines of CEOs That Got Them There?

Alright, let’s now get the facts about the psychology of routinary activities.

1. Your habits shape your mood, and your mood serves as a filter through which you experience life

It would seem reasonable to think that moods are formed by our thoughts or stressors, which occur throughout the day and knock us off-kilter. But this is not the case. Instead, psychologist Robert Thayer contends that our habits shape our moods. In fact, how much we sleep, how often we exercise, what we think, how often we think it, and on and on affect our mood.
For example, you must have noticed that your energy levels are high when you exercise in the morning. But if you sleep until it’s 9 am? Well, you will feel sluggish and depressed the whole day. And that’s why every successful person wakes up early and then initiates their typical daily routines. That way, you can control your mood better, and you don’t let mood swings control you.

2. You must learn to let your conscious decisions, not your fears or instincts, dictate your day

We all know that a restless mind is a minefield. Anything may convince you that you desire something you don’t actually want with no discipline, focus, basis, or self-control. How about a thought like this: I will just go out for beers tonight without preparing for that presentation tomorrow. Hmmm, it may seem legitimate in the short term, but it is devastating in the long run. Going out for drinks one night surely isn’t worth missing a crucial meeting.
So, learning to create a routine is the same as learning to let your conscious decisions about what you will do with your day lead you while letting all the other temporary stuff go by the wayside.

3 . Happiness is determined not by how many things you do but by how well you do them

More is not always better. So, yes, sometimes it can be, but not all the time. And happiness is not really the result of something else. Instead, it is experiencing what you already have in fresh and diverse ways regularly.
Unfortunately, we’re taught that enthusiasm should drive every thought, act, and choice. So, we’re haunted with the dread that we’re unhappy because we’re not doing “more.” But don’t be baffled. It would help if you achieved greatness to get your name written in the hall of fame. But don’t let it stress you out. To put it another way, make chasing success a daily habit. Then your mind is conditioned to become that.

4. Because you are no longer confronted with the unknown when you govern your daily actions, you deactivate your "fight or flight" instincts

Yes, this is why people are so resistant to change. And why do individuals who stick to their routines have so much joy? Simply put, their fear instincts are suppressed long enough for them to appreciate something.
In reality, routinary activities provide us with a sense of control over our lives. But wait, there’s more. With that feeling of control over your activities, you may change or enhance them daily as you wish. You are not panicked, and you do not have fight or flight instincts. Your mind is in such a relaxed condition. You are well aware that a healthy mind leads to a healthy body. As a result, your skin’s color and texture improve. Routines, in other words, make you look attractive. There you, beautiful girls. Now you can be more attractive.

5. When we don't establish a routine, we convince ourselves that "fear" indicates that we're doing something wrong rather than just being deeply invested in the outcome

OK, what can go wrong without routines? A lack of routine, indeed, is a breeding ground for chronic procrastination.It creates gaps and spaces for our subconscious minds to say, “Well, you can take a break now,” when you really have a deadline. But if you’re used to taking a break at that time, you’ll agree because “you usually do.”
For example, you can take a power nap at a time you are used to. And after that power nap, you are refreshed again to meet your deadlines. That’s how it should be. You don’t want to fall asleep in the middle of a meeting conducted by your boss. And a life backed by routinary activities won’t put you in such vulnerable instances. Your mind is well prepared and works according to a routine.

What Should You Do?

It doesn’t matter what you want your daily life to be like. The important thing is that you make a decision and then stick to it. In a nutshell, routine is crucial because habitualness produces mood, and mood develops the “nurture” side of your personality. Not to add that allowing impulsiveness to yank you about is a breeding environment for everything you fundamentally don’t want. you looking for a way to be more consistent and plan your day better with routines? Oh, Yes. Then you will benefit from reading Nine Ways to Plan Your Day How to Plan Days.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.


Most things that provide true enjoyment aren’t simply fleeting, instant gratifications, and they come with resistance and sacrifice. When you incorporate a task into the “norm,” you may eliminate the sensation of “sacrifice.” Alternatively, you may use regulation to overcome resistance. These are just a few of the reasons why having a routine is so important in your life. And happy individuals are more likely to follow them).