Morning Mastery Challenge

3 Secrets to Force Yourself Out of Bed in the Morning

Ways Get Out of Bed Faster and Have Higher Energy Levels in the Morning

Waking up is never that simple. Unless you’re one of those awesome individuals who can get out of bed in the morning, thoroughly alert, no matter how early it is, waking up maybe one of the toughest parts of the day. As we’re sure you’ve already assumed surely not alone in that. Americans waste around three and a half months of their lives pressing snooze buttons, as per a survey by Withings. Yeah, this is the same trend in other parts of the world, too.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.
Don’t waste your time snoozing your life away from you. Instead, stop worrying about how to get out of bed and use these three secrets to force yourself out of bed every morning to eventually wave farewell to the snooze button. An energizing morning ritual is all you need here.
OK, what are the elements to consider when creating such a morning ritual? Well, here are the three main components:

1) Invest in an Alarm Clock That Makes You
Get Up

The most famous alarm used is no longer a red-light digital clock with an irritating beeping sound. It’s 2021, and many people are only using their smartphones to wake up. The only drawback with that is that they’re not almost as noisy or distracting as the typical alarm clock. If your phone isn’t enough to make you wake up, purchase an alarm that simply won’t let you go back to sleep. Try this alarm clock that rocks the bed before you wake up, a really noisy one, or that one that bounces about on the wheels and lets you run after it.
When mastering your morning, just a fabulous alarm won’t do the trick. For this, you have to place your alarm away from the bed; why? By setting your alarm clock across the bedroom, you’re going to be compelled to get out of bed to turn it off. Moving out of bed is always the toughest aspect of waking up in the morning. By getting out of bed faster and running toward the alarm, you increase the likelihood of beginning a day rather than heading back to sleep.

How about a sunrise alarm clock?

Yes, this would artificially induce sunrise in your bedroom and help you set your body’s biological clock, circadian rhythm, despite the urge to get up while it’s still dark outside. It’s also helpful if you are not a fan of loud alarm sounds to wake up and want a very delicate and natural wake-up in the morning.

2) Mentally Motivate Yourself

Okay, we’re going to tell you that maybe it’s okay to press the snooze button as long as you don’t fall asleep again. You don’t have to get up right then, so instead, get up and think about what you intend to do every day when you’re still in bed. What are the motivations you ought to wake up to get the day going? Do you have an important appointment to prepare for? Do you have to make it to work on time? Once you daydream about your to-do list for the day, it will inspire you to the extent that you can’t avoid thinking about it, because you’ll have to get up and get done.

Read or listen to something that inspires you

If you don’t prefer daydreaming in the bed, then instead of flooding yourself with news or “entertainment” that only adds more tension, fill your quieter moments with albums, novels, and TED-like talks that encourage you to strive to be your best version. You can start the day with a personalized book or video-based on an “inspirational” theme. Only invest 15-30 minutes on this when you wake up in the morning; in no time should you feel the impact and the improvement. When it comes to mastering your mornings and creating energizing morning routines, motivation is a vital factor.

3) Get Your Body Moving

Wake up, throw off the covers, and enjoy a few stretches. Yes, most of them can be performed from your bed. Stretching is a perfect way to keep the blood circulating and to flex your muscles after a long sleep. You could wing it based on your favorite stretches, or follow a tutorial on some of the easiest stretches to do in the morning.

We'd like to give you an extra tip here

keep a glass of water in your bed and drink it right when you wake up. It fuels your body and your metabolism and your brain. So, drink a glass of water and commence your morning workout routine immediately. OK, those are the top three secrets to force yourself out of bed every morning. When creating a morning ritual that helps you wake up without pressing that time-wasting snooze button, we can think of some other factors, too:

Make it easier to wake up fast

Although this one is not technically a way to drive yourself out of bed, it’s about ensuring high-quality sleep in the first place. If you’ve hardly slept all night, it’s a lot tougher to get up than if you’ve had a perfect, comfortable 8 hours of sleep.

Adjust the lighting

One of the top signals to our body’s sleep and wake cycle is light. For you hard-working people who can’t get out of bed, try to get yourself exposed to light as soon as you wake up. When you wake up during the daytime hours, open your blinds or curtains to let the morning energizing sunshine come in and indicate to your body that it’s time for the day to begin.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.


When it comes to mastering your mornings, we are sure that these secrets will help you. As you can see, all the tips given in today’s post are simple and practical solutions to your biggest issue, “how to jump out of bed without pressing the snooze button?”