Morning Mastery Challenge

10 Surprisingly Easy Tips to Wake Up at 4AM

How to Wake Up Early at 4 am: 10 Pro Tips for Conquering the Alarm Clock

It’s hard to be a night owl in a world designed to reward the early risers. Schools start at 8 AM 9-5. They all have to wake up almost much at the same time. And even though you work in cemeteries or have a flexible work arrangement, most supermarkets and banks shut late in the afternoon. Not including 24-hour grocery stations, petrol stands, and night school, the world appears to be working on an early-bird timetable.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.
And what about the night owls, who deem getting up at noon to be a wonderful miracle, is there little hope remaining for us? Are there some tricks to wake up early that really work, including the normal early to bed early to lift cliché? Yeah, there is. Rise and Shine. 10 ideas to get up early and launch your own morning rituals for success.

1) Why you want to wake up early - ask yourself

Let’s be frank with you here for a minute. You can’t persuade yourself to get up early only because of that. Learning how to get up early is not as easy as shutting out the lights and heading to bed early. On the other hand, the psychology behind it is very significant.
Before you sleep tonight, ask yourself, “What am I going to wake up early?” We assume that you want to wake up early because you want to start your set of morning rituals for success. No matter your answer, please ensure you really want it because that’s what you’re going to use to persuade yourself to escape your bed when the alarm goes off.

2) Go to bed early

Enable your body to anticipate your sleep. Yeah, you will achieve this by sleeping and getting up at the same time every day. So, if you’re a night owl, sleeping at 8 a.m. every day would not benefit you. Waking up at 6 p.m. and then unsuccessfully attempting to sleep at noon is difficult, too. Do this in phases, so instead of sleeping at the same hour, say 8 AM, go to bed 15 minutes earlier and wake up 15 minutes earlier. So, this is going to be your starting point of creating your morning rituals for success.
Unlike many other early wake-up tips, this is really sustainable since it’s only a small adjustment. You’re not really going to notice the difference of 15 minutes! The next day, you should change your sleep back by 15 minutes, so you’ll wake up 30 minutes earlier than normal. If you practice this on an ongoing basis, you’ll be a morning person in less than a month.

3) Manipulate your environment

Block all light sources, including the tiny red light that shows that your TV is shut off. Put your electronics away and avoid viewing TV at least one hour before bedtime, since the blue light from these devices disrupts the body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that controls your sleep cycle.
Using a true book and a night light if you need to read. Retain your bedroom at a nice chill. If you’re living in a noisy community, invest in soundproofing your space, or get an app that plays calming noises to block out the noise.

4) No napping after proper sleep

You don’t have to worry about power napping if you get proper sleep every day. On the other hand, proper sleep is absolutely crucial for your morning rituals for success. If you’re exhausted, make sure you nap early—not later than 7 hours after you wake up. Napping after the 7-hour cycle would interfere with your sleep routine, make you sleep late and wake up late again.

5) A wind-down routine

What you are doing before bedtime is your body’s sleep stimulus, so aim to keep these tasks relaxed and stick to them as a ritual. For example, you might take a cold shower and read a book 15 minutes before bedtime. So, that’s the everyday tasks you are going to do until your set of morning rituals for success begins the next day. If you adhere to this regimen long enough, the body will immediately discover that these tasks indicate that the day is finished and that it’s time to recover. It’s also necessary to perform these things in order and at the same time every day.

6) Smart lights or automatic curtain openers

Waking up to a warm, sunny space can minimize your drowsiness and help you feel more alert as you wake up. Get an electric curtain opener and configure it to open the curtains for at least 30 minutes before you intend to jump out of bed. You can also utilize smart lighting, such as if your bedroom does not have a window or if your window sight is covered.

7) Trick your brain to get up

This is one perfect thing to do when creating your morning rituals for success. What’s your first impulse as the alarm goes off? Press snooze and go back to sleep, hmmm? You should click snooze on this trip, though this time instead of heading straight back to sleep, get up—just for 10 minutes or however the snooze is scheduled.
It’s called an inverted snooze. Instead of pushing yourself to get up right then, compromise with yourself, “Stick it out. It’s just 10 minutes.” What you’re doing in those 10 minutes is up to you, so the condition is that you can’t go back to bed—or lie on the sofa. You can open your curtains, prepare your coffee, or turn on your TV. So, when the alarm clock goes off again, you’re still wide alert, and you’re not going to tap the snooze.

8) How about a pet alarm clock?

Pets are good alarm clocks, particularly if you start feeding them early in the morning. They’re consistent, loud, and stubborn, but they’re going to hammer your door and hop in your bed to wake you up until you give them some food.
Of course, if you love your pets, you’ll find that cute, but some of you may find that irritating, at least at the beginning, because you’re not used to waking up to such a fuss. You will get used to it with your urge to develop your morning rituals for success.

9) Resist the 5-10-minute urge

You wake up five minutes before the alarm by a horrific twist of fate. What are you doing? Sleep for the remaining 5 minutes, don’t you? It’s wrong.
Going back to bed could not be worth an additional 5 minutes, so it will place you in a longer sleep loop, making it tougher to get up when the alarm goes off. That’s why when people press snooze and go back to sleep for 5-15 minutes, they wake up believing the time passed by quickly. A 5-minute sleep won’t be going to help you in any way; it will only ruin your rest of the day.

10) go camping for a week

Researchers have shown that if you go a week without artificial light, you will synchronize your body’s sleep pattern with sunrise and sunset.
Try camping for a week and leaving all your devices at home or at least prohibit you from using them after sunset. No torches are required, too, so the lights are off, whether you’re sleepy or not! You may be an early riser after 7 days.


10 Morning Habits of Billionaires

Find out the morning secrets of millionaires and billionaires. It’s all about mastering your morning.


Tim Cook, Apple’s C.E.O., is rising a little before 4 am, and his 2004 novel, President Trump stated that he only wants four hours of sleep a night. So, early risers are all successful people, and they’ve got their own set of morning rituals. Waking up early, even at 4 a.m., is important if you want to be one of them. Make use of our guidelines for this.